Thanks for considering contributing to Ironclad, it means a lot.
There are several ways one can help the Ironclad project, from writing and correcting documentation to contributing source code. A great way to help Ironclad as well is sharing it with people that may find it interesting!
Ironclad has a GitHub project where we keep track of begginer tasks for prospective beginning users to implement.
Alternatively, asking on Ironclad communities can be helpful.
One can make PRs and submit code for review using Ironclad's Pull Request tracker or the project's mailing lists as well. For distribution changes, one must use the distribution's own methods, for Gloire, there is a Pull Request tracker available.
When submitting contributions, only contributions licensed under
the GPL, or alternatively, a GPL-compatible license, will be accepted.
In order to ensure this is the case, submitted patches will need to
certify their work by accepting the project's
Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO).
This is done by either adding Signed-off-by
to the patch,
either manually or using git's -s
flag, or by stating
compliance in the patch submission.
DCOs do no copyright assignment, and the contributor keeps each and every right over their contribution. Individual contributor copyright is one of the core pillars of free software. DCOs only shift the responsability of the legitimacy of the contributed code from the project to the developer, thus providing legal shielding in case of copyright violations, among others.