Supported hardware

Here is a list of all officially supported hardware by Ironclad. This list may be a bit out of date, as it is only updated with Ironclad releases.

This lists only detail support for mainlined, official, Ironclad releases, and do not contain second party or unofficial, not yet merged hardware support. We will add interesting second hand supported hardware and where to find the projects implementing it as we find them.

Targets and boards

Target Boards the target provides support for Board specific hardware supported Support quality
riscv64-limine Systems with a limine-protocol compatible bootloader, usually UEFI-enabled In development
x86_64-limine UEFI and BIOS x86_64 computers with an HPET PC speaker, PCI bus connection, ACPI power management Stable

Target-independent hardware

Hardware Notes
i63000esb Watchdog supported only
NVMe storage
SATA storage No SATAPI support provided